Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Peebles

Funeral Flowers

Here at Fountain Flowers we recognise that the passing of a family member, friend or loved one is never easy. Flowers provide a fitting way to send your condolences following the sad news.

The Funeral tributes range includes a wide selection of funeral flowers, covering everything from simple and elegant bouquets, pillows and funeral tributes through to sprays, wreaths and personalised letter tributes. We understand the sensitivity and importance of the occasion, so will ensure the team of florists will personally and professionally create your funeral flowers and deliver across Peebles and the surrounding areas.

If you wish to discuss your particular requirements, please call +44 (0) 1721 723566 – we're here to help.

Christmas morning
Peaches and Cream
Lemon & Lime
Citrus Sunrise
Florist Choice Hand-tied
Harvest Drops
Morning Glory
Autumn Hedgerow Basket
Honey & Spice
Orange Sky
Wild Autumn